Harriet Newman Cohen


Legal Briefs: The Ups and Downs of Life in the Law (2024) Twenty top lawyers write engaging “behind the scenes” dramatic stories of their most fascinating cases, including a chapter by Harriet Newman Cohen about a landmark case addressing the rights of same-sex parental custody issues.

A Glimpse Into Client Fears in Domestic Relations Cases Harriet Newman Cohen authors chapter in Heidi K. Brown’s, Untangling Fear in Lawyering, 2019 American Bar Association

"The Divorce Book for Men and Women: A Step-by-Step Guide to Gaining Your Freedom Without Losing Everything Else" by Harriet Newman Cohen    Avon Books 1994   (Ralph Gardner, Jr., co-author)

Inside the Minds: "Helping Clients Achieve Happiness in Family Law Matters: Key Qualities and Strategies of Successful Family Law Attorneys"  Chapter by Harriet Newman Cohen    Aspatore Books 2016


Barnard College - Columbia University Magazine Article: “Girl in a Hurry, Profile of Harriet Newman Cohen” (Published Fall 2023).

Harriet Newman Cohen Recognized as one of the 2023 Notable Women in Law by Crain's New York BusinessHarriet has practiced matrimonial law and has devoted her career to helping individuals and families in complex family law matters.”

New York Lifestyles Magazine My New York Story: Harriet Cohen, Still on Top by Brian Aker June 1, 2022

Social Life Magazine Mother-Daughter Power Legal Duo: The Divorce Book for Men and Women Profile of Harriet Newman Cohen and Martha Cohen Stine by Bennett Marcus August 2021

New York Super Lawyers Metro Feature Attorney Profile The Second Life of Harriet Cohen…What the Matrimonial Lawyer Learned to Share with the World by Michael K. Park

The Magazine of Brooklyn Law School Profile    Harriet Cohen '74, The Marriage Broker  

New York Women’s Bar Association Profile of Past President Harriet Newman CohenA matrimonial lawyer, she has been a champion of divorce reform and the rights of women and children.”

New York City Opera - Leadership Profiles: Harriet Newman Cohen

JMHS Alumni News Profile   Harriet Newman Cohen: From Latin to Family Law 

The Commercial Observer   Amongst The City's Power Elite, Harriet Newman Cohen Is The Maestro Of The Highly Public Marital Split. It's Fitting Then That One Of The City's Top Divorce Attorneys Has Left The Firm In Which She Was A Founding Partner And, In Dramatic Fashion, Taken An Uber-Prime Spot 


Barnard College: Morningside Memories Podcast An Interview with Harriet Newman Cohen, ‘52

The Divorce Dialogues Podcast What Differentiates a High-Profile Divorce, with Harriet Newman Cohen and Martha Cohen Stine On this episode of Divorce Dialogues, Harriet and Martha join Katherine Miller to discuss the heightened issues around publicity and confidentiality associated with celebrity divorce October 22, 2021

New York County Lawyers News Release Amicus Curiae Podcast with Host Daniel Wiig: An in-depth conversation with two Matrimonial Law Powerhouses, Harriet Newman Cohen and Martha Cohen Stine May 28, 2021


Newman Cohen | Legal News Coverage | Law.com
August 24, 2024

New York Law Journal, Special Matrimonial Law Section ‘I Affirm. I Swear.’ The Pandemic Has Transformed NY’s Notarization Requirements—Or Has It? July 26, 2024 by Harriet Newman Cohen, assisted by Rachel Rutstein

New York Law Journal, Special Matrimonial Law Section Divorce in NY, NJ, Connecticut and Massachusetts: What the Practitioner Should Know July 17, 2023 by Harriet Newman Cohen, assisted by Rachel Rutstein

New York Law Journal Surrogacy - From Baby M to Today’s Baby-Making Technology Harriet Newman Cohen July 22, 2022

New York Law Journal Substituting Judgment: Beware, Attorney For the Child What happens when the AFC believes that the child’s wishes are contrary to the child’s best interests and finds himself/herself at a crossroads with the child? The AFC must then decide whether it is permissible to use substituted judgment. Harriet Newman Cohen and Ankit Kapoor July 24, 2021

New York Law Journal   Surrogacy Agreements Approved by New York…With Provisos   July 27, 2020    
Harriet Newman Cohen and Tim James

New York Law Journal    Divorce vs. Death: Pecuniary Rights and How They Differ   A discussion of the older client’s question: Am I better off getting a divorce or just waiting for my spouse to die?  (Harriet Newman Cohen and Tim James)    July 29, 2019

New York Law Journal    Surrogacy in New York: Boon or Bane?  A discussion of the proposed legislation to lift the ban on surrogacy agreements in NY (Harriet Newman Cohen and Kristen E. Marinaccio)     July 30, 2018

New York Law Journal    Social Media In Divorce and Family Law: A Trap for the Unwary?  by Harriet Newman Cohen and Amanda Laird Creegan     July 31, 2017

New York Law Journal    Court Gives Renewed Force to Policy Requiring Full Custody Hearings  by Harriet Newman Cohen and Tim James   July 25, 2016

New York Law Journal    New York's Proposed Maintenance Guidelines by Harriet Newman Cohen and Laura A. Tucker    July 27, 2015

New York Law Journal    Child Support Modifications Are Easier After 2010 Amendments   by Harriet Newman Cohen and Tim James   July 28, 2014

New York Law Journal    "Automatic Orders" Prevent Wrongful Asset Transfers in Divorce Actions  by Harriet Newman Cohen, Bonnie Rabin and Tim James    July 29, 2013

New York Law Journal    Unwrapping the 2012 "'No Fault' Package” by Harriet Newman Cohen and Tim James  July 30, 2012

New York Law Journal    Marriage Equality Remains an Aspiration. Non-recognition statutes pose legal complications for same-sex unions by Harriet Newman Cohen, Bonnie Rabin and Tim James   August 1, 2011

New York Law Journal  What's Equitable When Distributing Businesses, Enhanced Earning Capacity? 
by Harriet Newman Cohen and Tim James    August 9, 2010

New York Law Journal    Downward Modification In A Troubled Economy    by Harriet Newman Cohen and Tim James   August 10, 2009

New York Law Journal    Egregious To a Fault   by Harriet Newman Cohen and Tim James   July 28, 2008

New York Law Journal    The Alienated Child    by Harriet Newman Cohen and Gretchen Beall Schumann July 30, 2007

New York Law Journal    To Have or Have Not (a Prenuptial Agreement)?     by Harriet Newman Cohen    August 7, 2006

New York Law Journal    When Custody is Truly Contested, Who Decides Best Interests?    by Harriet Newman Cohen    June 6, 2005

New York Law Journal    Equating 'Best' With 'Only' in Interstate Custody Cases Under the UCCJEA    by Harriet Newman Cohen   June 7, 2004

New York Law Journal    Limiting Discovery in Custody Cases  by Harriet Newman Cohen    July 14, 2003

 New York Law Journal   Is 'Braiman' Still Vital After 24 Years?     by Harriet Newman Cohen   July 2002


Brooklyn Law School Distinguished Alumna Harriet Newman Cohen, ‘74 is a contributing writer for the 2024 book about landmark cases in the careers of leading lawyers November 19, 2024

New York Daily News April 29, 2024 Key to a happy divorce? Prenup, lawyers say  Divorce attorneys Martha Cohen Stine and Harriet Newman Cohen, who represented former Gov. Andrew Cuomo in his divorce from Kerry Kennedy, chatted about the high-profile divorce with curious fans while dining at White Olive.

Business Insider Melania Trump Renegotiating Her Prenup Doesn’t Signal Divorce September 30, 2023 Harriet Newman Cohen on recent developments in the news

Bill and Melinda Gates Three Kids Live Wildly Lavish Lives  October 7, 2023 Martha Cohen Stine and Harriet Newman Cohen weigh in

Crain’s New York Business selects Harriet Newman Cohen as one of the 2023 Notable Women in Law June 20, 2023

The Daily Beast Harriet Newman Cohen comments on Herschel Walker’s ‘Kiss-Off’ Child Support Agreement October 14, 2022

Buzz Feed News Divorce Lawyers Know Why Relationships Fail. Here’s Their Dating Advice Harriet Newman Cohen August 29, 2022

2022 NWF Film Festival Vanguard Award & Panel HBO documentary series, Nuclear Family screening and panel discussion will include the filmmaker and documentary subject, Ry Russo-Young, her mothers Robin Young and Sandy Russo, and their lawyer, Harriet Newman Cohen, Esq. Nuclear Family explores the landmark custody dispute that hinged on the parental rights of Ry’s two mothers (a same-sex couple) and the interests of her biological father.

Fortune Magazine Divorces are on the rise thanks to COVID and the holidays. Three lawyers reveal what it costs to split up in 2021 by Felicia Hou November 19, 2021

The Divorce Dialogues Podcast What Differentiates a High-Profile Divorce, with Harriet Newman Cohen and Martha Cohen Stine On this episode of Divorce Dialogues, Harriet and Martha join Katherine Miller to discuss the heightened issues around publicity and confidentiality associated with celebrity divorce October 22, 2021

New York Times As Courts Reopen, Divorce Filings Are on the Rise Martha Cohen Stine and Harriet Newman Cohen discuss the recent rise in divorce filings September 9, 2021

WSOU news sits down with lawyer Harriet Cohen to discuss what legal issues Britney Spears will be facing to try and get out of her conservatorship https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0s98lIZAFg June 20, 2021

Wisconsin Association for Justice Annual Women’s Caucus, September 23-24, 2021 Harriet Newman Cohen, keynote speaker

New York County Lawyers News Release Amicus Curiae Podcast with Host Daniel Wiig: An in-depth conversation with two Matrimonial Law Powerhouses, Harriet Newman Cohen and Martha Cohen Stine May 28, 2021

Vanity Fair Divorce experts Harriet Newman Cohen and Martha Cohen Stine say there’s a clue in Melinda Gates’s blockbuster divorce filing May 17, 2021

The Sun News U.K. SPLITTING HEADACHE Melinda Gates ‘may be pushing for kids to get more than $10 MILLION inheritance each in divorce May 17, 2021

New York Post, Page Six Melinda Gates Could Be Angling to Change Kids’ $10M Inheritance in Split High-profile divorce attorneys Harriet Newman Cohen and Martha Cohen Stine interviewed May 17, 2021

The New York Times Divorce Rates Are Now Dropping. Here Are Some Reasons Why. Divorce Attorney Harriet Newman Cohen, founder of Cohen Stine Kapoor LLP in Manhattan, interviewed. Style Section, March 25, 2021

New York County Lawyers Association. Featured Members in the News. April 2021

New York Times Planning Divorce? Manage Your Divorce Expectations Family Law Attorney Harriet Newman Cohen discusses what to expect January 31, 2021

Attorney At Law Magazine Cohen Stine Kapoor New Matrimonial and Family Law Firm Opens January 4, 2021

New York Post Page Six…We Hear that Martha Cohen Stine and Harriet Newman Cohen Are Opening A New Firm on January 1, 2021 December 28, 2020

Super Lawyer New York Metro The Legal, the Illegal, and the Inadvisable: What to know about digital spying during a divorce Harriet Newman Cohen, October 9, 2020

Business Insider  Meghan Markle and Prince Harry reportedly aren't signing a prenup -- but here's why you probably still should  (Harriet Newman Cohen)  March 21, 2018

Brooklyn Daily Eagle  Brooklyn Law School hosts Stormy Daniels interview watch party, panel discussion (Harriet Newman Cohen)   March 26, 2018

New York Post  Weinstein's Ex: He's paying for lawyers and not child support (Harriet N. Cohen)  December 21, 2017

The Daily Beast Why Katie Holmes May Win Custody Harriet Newman Cohen 2017

Daily News   Experts Say Police Could Pursue Criminal Charges If Anthony Weiner Sent Sexts To 15-Year-Old Teen "Harriet Cohen, a seasoned matrimonial lawyer, said high school kids as a group are increasingly "extreme graphic" on the internet, indulging in "risque behavior at younger and younger ages" — and Weiner was "acting in the role of predator" with this stream of texts.  "It raises a lot of questions about whether this is criminal behavior,” Cohen said.    September 21, 2016

New York Post How Celebs Manipulate the System to Keep Messy Divorces Private by Julia Marsh, July 26, 2016 (Harriet Newman Cohen)

DivorceNY.com   Litigating Prenuptial Agreements Is Going To Get Messier…  Harriet Newman Cohen January 5,  2015

DivorceNY.com  Husband in Divorce Action Ordered to Refinance Home or Pay Off Half of Mortgage Balance     Harriet Newman Cohen 2015   

New York Post    NBA’s Paul George Settles Paternity Battle George’s attorney Harriet Newman Cohen told us, “They have reached a settlement with full joint custody and a financial package. They will be raising their daughter together. Paul George had always intended to do the right thing, and he is thrilled to have a daughter. The settlement is generous, the child is going to have a wonderful life, and both parents will be equally involved in bringing her up.”   November 25, 2014

Indiana Star   Indiana Pacers Forward Paul George is Close to Settling a Paternity Suit That Will Include Joint Custody    "We're looking at joint custody both in action schedule as well as in decision making," said Harriet N. Cohen, George's New York-based family law attorney. "Paul was always, always ready to step up to the plate and do all those things and enjoy his daughter."   October 16, 2014

Daily News   NBA star Paul George is close to finalizing a “joint parenting, joint decision-making” resolution over his 5-month-old daughter   (Harriet Newman Cohen) October 16, 2014

The Commercial Observer   Full-service matrimonial, family law and litigation firm, will expand and relocate its headquarters from 7 Times Square to the more prestigious 11 Times Square    August 12, 2014

New York Times The Darker Side of Valentine’s Day James Barron February 7, 2011

Newsday Long Island Pall Stocks Affected by Marital Split Harriet Newman Cohen, an attorney for the wife, made a public statement on the events February 1, 2011

New York Daily News Tip for Tameka From One Who Survived Harriet Newman Cohen comments 2007

The New York Times Irreconcilable Interiors: When Mates Don’t Match Harriet Newman Cohen 2007

While Missouri is the 4-month-old’s home state, her maternal grandparents have a strong claim to keep her in Texas said lawyer Harriet Newman Cohen 2003

New York Magazine Trouble in Splitsville… Harriet Newman Cohen

Los Angeles Times A Different Kind of Economic Indicator Has Tabs Buzzing Mistresses (and male consorts) have become as integral a part of Manhattan’s dizzying bull-market affluence as $300,000 Lamborghinis, $1,000 bottles of wine and $28,000 Hermes crocodile leather purses… Harriet Newman Cohen

The Trib Live Cuomo-Kennedy ‘Cuomolot’ seems ready to crumble Harriet Newman Cohen, 2003